Historical context
(Excuse the Darth Vader voice)
This video has helped me understand the proxemics of the globe as I have never been. Furthermore it includes information on the original playing conditions. This video has taught me that the playing conditions were tough, often people didn’t get to hear the words because crowds were so noisy and of course there was no amplification available. As an actor this has shown me how important the use of the voice must have been as projection was key. Furthermore this has clarified the urgency for gesture and movement. I say this because people may not have been able to hear but would have often seen the action on stage and taken the narrative from there.
Here is a diagram I have drawn from a birds eye view of the Globe. This highlights the class ranked seating, the non existent actor audience relationship and the importance of positioning on stage.
Below is a list of some of the components that make up the theatre. This is important as not allot of detail exists within my diagram however this highlights some of the fine detail within the construction of the globe.
This is a picture of The Heavens which is situated above the stage. It was initially developed in order to shield the actors form rain and protect costumes. Furthermore the this was a false sealing which contained room for people to produce sound effects above it such as the ringing of bels.
The images represent the zodiac signs. Think this is really interesting as it doesn’t just indicate that this is the sky but communicates elizabethan beliefs and expresses there passion for astrology.
Differences in Playing Conditions:
Below is an image of a brief list i made which explores the differences in playing conditions. This is helping me with my understand the original playing conditions more as I am able to compare with experience.
Theories behind the Tempest:
above is a brainstorm i created in order to understand the Bermuda theory which is often thought to have been Shakespeare's stimuli in regard to writing ‘The Tempest’. Furthermore understanding this theory has helped me to understand not only the play better but the theme behind the contextulisation of our piece.
George Lammings:
Born in Barbados Lammings is one the worlds biggest brains when it comes to theories on colonisation, decolonisation and Africana Studies. Lammings theory behind Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ revolves around colonization and the slave trade. It is often interpreted that Lammings writes as a confrontation from the colonized to the colonizer. In regard to the tempest Prospero and the Neapolitans would be the colonizers as they are european and caliban and ariel would be the colonized. This theory is explore in Lammings essay ‘Literary Nationalism: Language between The Tempest and the Tonelle’ . Lammings comment on the tempest is described by José David SaldÃvar as:
“ the supreme commentator, the one author from our America, who pulls Old World colonialist and New World colonized writing into a coherent and continuous line."
This quote shows how the theory behind the tempest, which I believe we will be exploring will highlight the effects on slavery today.
Our Contextualisation:
Our contextualisation comments on British colonialism at the time of the American revolution. Slavery had ended in Britain but continued in the US. The british focused on canalizing as many countries as possible. At this time it is arguable that the british empire was at its strongest. Therefore with the threat of American independence Britain carried out a plan which would create a British colony along the west african cost. The creation of Freetown Sierra Leone. Slaves were freed y the british from plantations in virginia US.
The slaves bought to Sierra Leone were often not native to the country. Many had been taken from countries all over the west african coast but thr British did not see this as important as they were doing this from a point of ignorance. In regard to our piece all the millitary will be shipwrecked from Britain. Prospero will be the creator of Freetown, the lost will be the british men and women taken to sierra leone from Britain and freed slaves from virginia. Caliban and Ariel will be natives of the isle and Caliban will have a strong connection to the Reverand Souther Crowther (the first anglican bishop of africa) - forced to be in service to Prospero.
Our contextulisation could be interpreted by many as a condemnation of british colonialism. The theory behind the creatoin of freetown is that the British took there western values and forced them on a nation which has suffered ever since.
This link is to a website which has helped me to understand the roaring trade of the west african coast. It shows how the lost could have come about leaving for sierra leone. Furthermore it communicates the sheer volume of colonization.
This link helped me to clarify the creation of freetown. I gained a lot of insight from the information and am now able to take that information and use it within my charcter work.
For example the death toll of british immigrants shows the server conditions and the sickness which occurred in the environment. This may effect my characters physicality and emotions.
How will a modern audience receive this piece?
Commenting on the negative effects of the slave trade is something that is vital to understanding conflicts that occur in the world today. Some audiences will gain insight. Many members of the audience of white british heritage may carry a sense of guilt. however some may not understand what we are trying to comment on at all. I believe that we are condemning colonialism and therefore those who understand the piece will come away with something to think about. Especially how these events shaped the multicultural city they live in today. However some audiences, coming from a ignorant perspective may believe its unnecessary to understand the brutality that was British Colonialism.